Real Cricket™ 18 APK

More about Real Cricket™ 18
Download Real Cricket™ 18 APK v1.1. Real Cricket™ 18 belongs to the Sports category and the developer of this app is Nautilus Mobile. The average rating is 4.0 out of 5 stars on our website. However, this app’s rating is out of 5 stars according to different rating platforms. Download Real Cricket™ 18 if you need a free app from the Sports category for your device but you will need Android 4.1 version or higher to install this app.
You may also leave your review for Real Cricket™ 18 on our website so that our users may have a good idea about the app. If you want to know more about Real Cricket™ 18, then you may visit Nautilus Facebook Page for more information. users gave the rating which resulted in the average rating. users rated it 1 stars and users gave 5 stars rating. The minimum number of downloads across the web is 10 times but the number of downloads might be as high as 50.
Real Cricket™ 18 is available on AndroidAPKsFree since its release on March 1, 2018. The current version is 1.1 and the cumulative downloads from our platform are more than 102,000. Furthermore, the app is available in english and the total versions you can download are 3. Download APK and open it using your favorite File manager and install by tapping on the file name. If the installation does not start then you need to enable unknown sources from your Android settings. Some game like Real Cricket™ 18 are WCC2, Real Cricket 17, Real Cricket Premier League. If you want to write a review then install this app and rate on our website. The download is hassle free as our speed is fast. We offer direct links to all the available 3 versions of the Real Cricket™ 18 free.
Category: Games/Sports
Operating System: Android
Price: Free
Real Cricket file information
Package name: com.nautilus.RealCricket3D
Version: 1.1 (28)
File size: 32.6 MB
Updated: April 16, 2018
Minimum Android version: Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean, API 16)
MD5: d76694d0082b6d47f2c025d7bdd0257e
SHA1: 6483c9e538ffcc35406d78920fbe9c57175f3b36
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